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Mirror a Debian Repo

29 Aug 2013

You may decide, like my company, that mirroring the official debian repo is a good idea for a lot of good reasons. A really good reason is to ensure that you always have access to these packages even when you cannot connect to the official mirror. It turns out this is really quite easy to do with rsync and this post will show you how.

The first thing you want to read before you get started is to read the article on Setting up a Debian archive mirror. It’s very good and gives you several options in case rsync doesn’t work for you.

To get started you want to first figure out which mirror you want to mirror. Using rsync is really easy and you can quickly set up a full mirror script in two steps:

set -e
set +o noglob
FLAGS="-H -a --no-motd"
OPTIONS1="--exclude Packages* \
          --exclude Sources* \ 
          --exclude Release* \ 
          --exclude InRelease \
          --exclude i18n/* \   
          --exclude ls-lR* \   
          --exclude .~tmp~"    
/usr/bin/rsync $FLAGS $OPTIONS1 /srv/debian &&
/usr/bin/rsync $FLAGS $OPTIONS2 /srv/debian &&
/bin/date -u > /srv/debian/project/trace/`hostname`

That’s it! You can put that in a script, run it with cron, and serve up the files with apache2. But let’s pull this apart so that you know what it means.

First you set some flags:

set -e
set +o noglob

The set -e flag is used to ensure that the script stops if there are any errors during execution. This is super helpful to stop the script from continuing onto following steps if any previous step breaks. The set +o noglob is used to ensure bash doesn’t have fun with the * characters inside your code. The * characters are supposed to be for rsync to glob match patterns. However, if you have any files in your script’s folder that match one of these patterns then bash will “helpfully” expand them for you. This will cause you all sorts of errors. So use these two flags to make sure life is easy for you.

Next you’ll notice that FLAGS="-H -a --no-motd" is included. This is an easy way to set up the rsync flags in one place so they can be used in every rsync command. You can read the man page on the flags but importantly it’s useful to include --no-motd so that your script doesn’t get a lot of output from the debian server that will get logged in during your cron’s run.

Finally the rsync is done in two steps. The first stage syncs up all of the files so that you have a up-to-date copy of the mirror. The second stage copies over all of the files excluded in the first stage. These are the files that tell apt what is available from the mirror. If you choose to do this all in one step these special files may reference files that don’t yet exist yet. That will cause a problem with any hosts that are running apt-get update during the run of your mirror script.

Once all the files have been copied over there is a --delete-after flag that will remove any files that are no longer on the debian mirror after everything is synced up.

You may have noticed there is an extra step at the end. If you read the docs you’ll notice that it recommends you add a file in the mirror under /project/trace named after your mirror host. If your hostname is ‘wookie’ then your file would be /project/trace/wookie and the contents would be from /bin/date -u.

If you decide you don’t need all the architectures copied over to your internal mirror you can exclude those too. This will speed up the time it takes to sync up, making your devs happier. In my case I only want amd64 and source so I enumerate and exclude everything else. An easy way to do this is this:

EXCLUDE_ARCH="alpha arm"    
for arch in $EXCLUDE_ARCH; do  
     EXCLUDE="--exclude arch-${arch}* \
              --exclude binary-${arch}/ \
              --exclude *_${arch}.deb \
              --exclude *_${arch}.udeb \
              --exclude installer-${arch}/ \
              --exclude Contents-${arch}* \
              --exclude Contents-udeb-${arch}* \

Add this into the script above and you’re set. Note that I don’t enumerate the architectures here for you because they may be different when you read this post.

Good luck with mirroring the Debian repo for your own use.

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