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Megg Jr. Prize

21 Dec 2009

[caption id="attachment_210" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Meggy Jr"][/caption] This weekend I finally got around to building my Meggy Jr. kit that I won in the Instructables Arduino Contest.  I spent only about an hour actually building the kit, though I could have gone faster if I wasn't watching reruns of Stargate Atlantis at the same time.  After a quick run down to the store to buy some AAA batteries the kit booted up like a charm.  I spent a good half hour playing with the game that came pre-installed on the Atmega328 chip.  Really fun stuff. What's next?  I'm hoping to sit down after the holiday and get some good play time in with the API for the Meggy Jr.  I'm not exactly sure that I'll program a game at first, but maybe some scrolling text or interactive light displays might be good.  Maybe I could even build a mood light for the garduino I built, though a BlinkM might be more suited to that application.  The capability of this thing is even better than I imagined so I expect lots of fun ahead.