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Starting a Small Business

01 Sep 2009

For a little more than a year now I've been talking the ears off of my friends and family about going into business for myself.  This has always been a "someday" dream as I figured I'd need to get a PhD first and a good business plan in hand first.  Well I was talking with my friends last night and decided that there's probably no better time than the present.  Why wait to start a business if that's what you want to do?  Right? It was suggested I take a look at the local Small Business Administration office to find resources and advice on starting up my own business.  I also think I should probably call up my friend at EXN Engineering and get some advice from him, seeing as he's been a great friend and has lots of experience with this kind of thing.  Ideally I'd like to start off as a consultant myself when I'm not working at JPL.  Hopefully that will give me some experience in the field of robotics that I am simply not getting at work and in the meantime I'll gain some business experience. Wherever this may lead I hope it's a positive step for me.  This is something I've always wanted to do and now it's time to do it.