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Building the Mothbot

07 Jun 2009

Last weekend I had a chance to finally sit down and build a robot with my Arduino Duemilanove.  I wanted to build something simple and fast that would take advantage of what I learned from "Getting Started with Arduino" by Massimo Banzi, the co-founder of Arduino.  Also, I saw a great project on Instructables that I wanted to pair down into something more bite size.  That project was called How to Make an Arduino Controlled Servo Robot (SERB). Arduino MothbotWith my parts ordered I built an Arduino Mothbot.  Basically, it's a robot that roams around looking for the brightest light.  I did this using a single Arduino, a couple servos, and a handful of electronic parts.  I also bought some hardware to put it all together.  In total the robot cost approximately $80 (the full cost of each part is on my wiki) and the method in which it was built means I can re-use every part for future projects.  I spent a full day figuring out how to build and code the Arduino Mothbot, however it should take a novice under an hour to get this same project up and running with the right materials. I'm very proud of this robot.  It's the first robot project I've built from scratch and it meets my standards for creating a project that others can learn from.  Hopefully when I complete an Instructable on this project I'll get a lot of good feedback that I can use in building future robot projects.